The StoryThe_Story.html


The Roney Fountain website was created by the Roney Family to

Honor, Remember & Discover

more information regarding the Roney Family, the Trollinger Family, the Stagg Family, the Duke Family, Barbara Anne Roney, Elizabeth Bettie Roney, Florence Roney and Artelia Roney Duke.


Artelia Roney Duke


Records & Photograph Search

To date we have

not been able to locate a  photograph of Barbara Anne Roney or additional photographs of Artelia Roney Duke.

If you possess or have knowledge of any information or photographs,

please contact us.

Dear Families,

The recent dedication of the The Anne Roney Fountain at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens in honor of Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans, elegantly recognizes Anne Roney’s donation of the Roney Fountain in 1901 to Trinity College, what is now Duke University, in honor of Artelia’s husband, Washington Duke. 

Historical research continues to reveal a much broader story....

      With your pledge and contribution, we can expand the story and continue to support various goals to continue the Trollinger / Roney / Duke legacy. 

With our contributors support, in 2016 we were able to dedicate a memorial bench to accompany the Roney Fountain in the Rose Garden Circle of Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University in honor of  family love for Artelia Roney Duke, Barbara “Annie” Roney and many members of the Roney-Duke families and their legacy.  This memorial serves as a heartfelt thank you to Duke University and Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans for their gracious initiative and contributions to the restoration of the Anne Roney Fountain.

Artelia “Telia” Roney Duke grew up in Haw River, one of the children of John Roney and Mary Trollinger Roney. She was known as “the prettiest woman in Alamance.”

Following the death of his first wife, Washington Duke met “Telia” at a church revival meeting.  He married her in 1852 and they moved to his homestead in Orange County. 

The couple had three children, Mary Elizabeth, born in 1853, Benjamin Newton, born in 1855, and James Buchanan, born in 1856.

Washington had two sons by his first marriage, Brodie Lawrence, born in 1846 and Sidney Taylor, born in 1845. When Sidney, contracted typhoid fever at age 13, Artelia brought him to her parents’ home in Haw River to care for him in seclusion from their young children.  In spite of her efforts, Sidney died on August 10, 1858.  Artelia herself was taken by the fever 10 days later and was laid to rest in the Trollinger cemetary in Haw River.  She was only 29 years of age. 

Mr. Duke never married again; Artelia’s sisters Betty and Anne Roney went to Durham to help Washington Duke raise the children.

In 1863 Washington joined the Civil War efforts and sent Mary, “Buck” and “Ben” to live with Artelia’s parents, the children’s grandparents, in Haw River for three years.  Following the Civil War, Washington and the children moved back to the Durham Homestead.  Artelia’s sister, Anne joined them to assist in raising the children. 

Washington Duke founded the tobacco business that became the largest in the world.  Artelia’s sister, Anne lived at Washington Duke’s Fairview Estate in Durham and cared for Washington, the children and and other family relatives, while sharing with Washington an interest in Trinity College and education. Anne donated a valuable Shakespeare  collection to the Trinity College library and ultimately donated a grande centerpiece fountain at the entrance of Trinity College in Washington Dukes honor. The Fountain is now referred to as The Roney Fountain at Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University)  Anne lived at Washington Duke’s Fairview Estate until his death in 1905.

The family business expanded into electricity.   Years later “Ben” and “Buck” Duke used some of their family fortune to build memorials to their parents.  They arranged to have Trinity College renamed Duke University and built the Duke Chapel in honor of their father.  For their mother they enclosed the entire Trollinger cemetery in Haw River with the striking granite wall that is among the most unique monuments in the state. The plaque on the cemetery gate remains visible today. In addition, the Duke sons generously donated to Elon College, the Artelia Roney Duke Science Building and presented a beautiful life size portrait of their mother placed in the corridor of the first floor of the building as a gift to the college for the dedication ceremony.  (pictured above)


Excerpts from:

Fabric of a Community

The Story of Haw River North Carolina

Gail and Bob Knauff

The Artelia Roney Duke Science Building Dedicatory Exercises and Addresses

Elon College, North Carolina

April 27, 1927

Elon University Library

Duke Archives; Duke University

Photograph of Roney Fountain from Durham County Library 1909

Your pledge will honor and preserve in perpetuity a memorial to accompany The Roney Fountain that will share and honor the expanded story of family sacrifice, commitment and compassion.

Thank you

for your time in allowing us to share this information with you. We hope you are able to make a contribution to the Roney Family Legacy Fund so the legacy will continue.

Restored Roney Fountain Plaque: KHC




Website created by Karen Hall Caraway

LINK The Times News Article- Burlington NC
Restored Fountain ties Duke, Elon and Alamance County Together March 11, 2012, Mary Yosthttp://maryyost3.wordpress.com/history/

2016 Update:  In January, 2016 we were very proud to announce that with the support of our contributors, We Met Our Goal! We are very excited to announce, the dedication of The Artelia Roney Duke Bench at The Roney Fountain in the beautiful rose garden of  the Sarah P. Duke Gardens, will take place on May 10, 2016 at 3pm.  A heartfelt thank you is extended to the contributors of The Roney Family Legacy Fund that made the purchase and dedication of the Artelia Roney Duke Memorial Bench possible.